Annapolis, MD (WTF). The Naval Academy Alumni Association (NAAA) has a long history of remaining nonpartisan and above the fray in elections. However, this week its leadership announced that "for the love of all things Holy, we want Senator McCain to win. We just cannot stomach having Jimmy Carter as our only President."
Most Naval Academy alumni were supportive of NAAA's stance. A recent poll of USNA graduates revealed two things:
- 0% of grads can pronounce the new Football coach's surname
- 99% of grads want McCain win so we don't get harassed anymore
"You know, every West Point graduate points that out to me," said Jarvis "Bud" Dagney USNA '67. "I just can't stand having Carter as our only USNA president. Remember when he got attacked by that rabbit? Jeesh."
"I mean...we beat Notre Dame last year for crying out loud! 2008 is the year to get rid of the Carter legacy," piped a drunken Jim McFail USNA '88.
NAAA would not immediately return Salty's phone calls but the voice mail message yelled "MAC IS BACK! MAC IS BACK!"
I agree. It would be great to have a guy who finished 894th in a class of 899 as President!!!
The USNA should be proud of a man who cheated on his wife.
Or maybe the USNA should be proud that McCain cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $150 billion of taxpayer funds to bailout the Savings and Loan debacle that McCain and his Keating 5 buddies were responsible for.
Oh Blaine, quit whining like a little bitch...this is a humor column///SALTY
I like Obama because hope and change are all I care about. He makes me cry when he speaks. Even though he has no experience or clue about national security, I want him!
Good post Salty, I was missing your humor. Were you on some south pacific island drinking cocktails with umbrellas the last 45 days?
Once upon a time in a glaxy far, far way when I graduated "the Boat School" I was a Republican ... albeit a modrate to liberal one [and, yeah, it was a "big tent" then before the amerikan taliban hijacked the party in the '80s. After a stint as a Republican precinct chair I left in disgust in '74. Today, in my 7th decade ... AND AS A PROUD USNA ALUMNUS ... I strongly support BARACK OBAMA ... hell, today -as opposed to the end of the '70s when I didn't think so- Jimmy Carter looks better and better ... but the just about anyone would in comparison to geo. dubya asshole.
USNA Ancient,
It's cool to feel that way about Republicans but calling them Taliban-like isn't very Obama-like. Isn't the Obama campaign all about "harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding"? It shows that perhaps you need to meet a few Taliban folks to actually appreciate how scary your hyperbole is. And FYI just because GWB sucks doesn't mean Jimmy Carter was the least bit competent//SALTY
Amen, Salty. Wish we could get the ring off of Jimmy C's finger. I can't decide which is more despicable: his playing host to Michael Moore at the 2004 D&C Convention or his active efforts to undermine our current president. (Whether you love or hate Bush, he should be permitted to do his job.)
Perhaps the most irritating thing about Carter is is incessant moral vanity. Have you ever seen a man who took such pride in his own humility? The campaign for the Nobel Peace Prize was over the top, to say the least.
Jimmy should stick to meals on wheels, or whatever the hell it is that he does.
For a complete analysis of this man's shameful legacy, see http://www.nationalreview.com/...inger101102.asp
Hey, Blaine, I've never seen a USNA grad use "the" as in "[t]he USNA should be proud..." (Kinda reminds me of the network TV announcers saying "the Navy got a first down" during football games.)
Anyhow, Clinton has made it OK for a guy to cheat on his wife, at least in the Dem's eyes, so while McCain's past may be unfortunate, it's not a political liability.
Keating 5 is pretty complex (makes Whitewater or any of the more recent Clinton scandals look pretty simple) and I think McCain's been pretty transparent on his rather minor role in the whole deal.
You have always promoted Joe MId!
John McCain has had a life that makes any Joe Mid proud and envious.
Let’s look at his record.
His exploits at the Academy are extraordinary. Hiding a large heavy tube TV in his Bancroft room so he can watch Friday night fights with fellow Mids.
Living up the Joe Mid life style to the annoyance of Senior classmates. Ask any Mid from Classes of 55-57. No wonder 58 was great!
After a lengthy stay at the Hanoi Hilton, he married a beer heiress 17 years his junior. What a guy!
Then he runs for the Senate in Arizona and has been on the map since.
This is a Man that I want for President.
USNA 06':
I remember "JOE MID" being used to describe one who always follows the rule and was a model midshipman - aka a tool. Maybe it had a different meaning back in the day.
Anyway Go McCain! I don't picture him hanging out with Hamas and giving out hugs to terrorists.
Keep the good stuff coming Salty.
How dare he suggest that John McCain was nothing but Joe Mid.
Many of us remember is chartible work of helping women in a block area of Baltimore. He was know to help charity cases like Blaze Starr.
Remember what happens at Bancroft stays there!
For Anonymous:
Sorry for any confusion; didn't say or mean all rebubbacans, just that the party was hijacked ... "amerikan taliban" referring to the followers of their ayatollahs and imams, robertson, falwell, dobson, hagee, et al.
For Blaine:
you forgot to mention the number of a/c that McNasty dumped [one doesn't count, the one shot down] ... was it 4 or 5 ... and the rumored "wet start"
For Salty:
Sorry ! Love your blog ... the piece about Holtz is right on and the mention in the Zerb piece of the ref in the ND game is the first time I've seen it mentioned [however, if you had been around my place during the game, seismigraphs registered about an 8.0 when that call was made], but I find nothing funny about '58 in general and John McNasty in particular.
For '85er:
the problem is rather that NO ONE STOPPED geo. dubya shrub FROM DOING HIS JOB THE WAY HE DID IT ! and since when is it a wrong in this country to speak out against anything, let alone an incompetent president/administration ... or is that another of the Constitutional guarantees trampled on of late ?
again to Anonymous:
" ... a block" or "THE BLOCK" [ah, for B'more and NY before they became disneyland east ... and, yes, I remember Tempest Storm and Blaze Starr and Candy Barr [had a classmate/best friend who dated her, while I preferred more class and dated out of the Moulon Rouge in NO ... (;o} ...] and the GAIETY ...
Holy christ...why did I stay at the academy? this column is hardly humor. Better catagorized as: embarassing at best.
warmest regards
Back to Anonymous re:
"I don't picture him [McNasty] hanging out with Hamas and giving out hugs to terrorists.", supra.
check out the picture from the '04 rebubbacan convention if you want pictorial proof of him hugging a terrorist. I wish I could post it here, but I'm sure you'll see lots of it before Nov.'08
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