Friday, September 21, 2007

Finally "Sat", Mid still has no liberty

Annapolis, MD (WTF). When MIDN 1/c James Jones of Boston, Ma. earned a 2.5 QPR last semester he was ecstatic. It was the first time he had ever been considered "Sat" under Academy academic regulations. "Sat" is Academy slang for satisfactory. "Unsat" is Academy slang for unsatisfactory. And BOHICA is Academy slang know.

"Man, I busted my Fisher DeBerry to get a 2.5 and I still have no liberty," said a demoralized MIDN 1/c Jones. "I'm in like an existential funk right now. By the way, I learned the word existential last semester in my English elective."

Fellow companymate and roommate MIDN 1/c Sven Glossen was sad for Jones. "I know how hard he worked to get some liberty this year. The last thing he needed was more studying. It may very well kill him, but I'm not 100% sure about that so don't quote me on it. Ahhhh, go ahead and quote me on it."

MIDN 1/c Jones expressed increased pessimism at his lot in life. "Not only have these new rules dashed my freaking hopes, but the Red Sox are about to pull off another disastrous choke to the Yankees. The hits just keep on coming!!!!"

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