Monday, September 17, 2007

Navy Supe mulls cancelling Army-Navy game

Annapolis, MD (WTF). VADM Fowler today issued a statement via his command judge advocate general (JAG) that the Academy is seriously considering cancelling this year's Army-Navy football game. VADM Fowler's statement explained that the game's proximity to final exams and the Christmas holiday was causing a lot of angst in the Brigade and might "serve as a distraction". He further explained that although the decision might be unpopular, his job is "not to do the popular thing but rather the right thing."

The Superintendent emphasized that this move was not unprecedented. "In 1917 and 1918, the Army-Navy game was not played due to WWI. What better way to reinforce the fact that we're at war than to cancel the Army-Navy game?" The Admiral's statement stressed that the decision was not final, but an Academy spokesman said "I wouldn't be booking any rooms in Baltimore if I were you."

Calls to the Admirals office were not immediately returned.

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