Thursday, October 4, 2007

Academy Commandant Explains Food Situation ... Again!

Annapolis, MD (WTF). Captain Margaret Klein, Academy Commandant, was forced to clarify remarks that she made regarding King Hall (aka Burger King Hall) and its alleged lack of food for Mids. Some Naval Academy boosters accused CAPT Klein of blaming the Mids for her obvious poor planning and ineptitude by claiming that Mids needed to exercise portion control.

"I may have misspoken," said CAPT Klein. "It's not like all Mids are a bunch of fatties trying to gorge themselves. Maybe just 50% are. I don't know."

CAPT Klein has decided to implement a Fowleresque "nuke solution" to what should have been an easy problem to solve. Sources close to the "Momandant" say that she has tasked the mathematics department with devising a formula to calculate exactly how many calories the average Mid needs to consume. One Academy spokesman said that the Math department should be done with its calculation by May and Mids will be fed by the next Ac Year.

Others, including alumni, think the problem is serious and needs immediate correction before it becomes more severe.

"The King Hall food situation is one of the reasons our football team is so much smaller than the other Div IA schools," noted former Navy fullback Omar Nelson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've checked the Archives of past Salty Sam's and I know it's you, MURCH...ROGER MURCH...
We're coming to get you.