Annapolis, MD (WTF). This week Naval Academy Superintendent and Morale Kommissar VADM Jeffrey Fowler fell for one of the oldest juvenile gags known to man -- the "nachos rule" question. One Midshipmen, who will remain nameless because he is already in deep sh*t with his company officer, sent an anonymous letter to VADM Fowler asking him why he changed the "nachos rule." The Supe then interruped mandatory study hall for 25 seconds to announce that the "nachos rule will remain the same and that everyone should just go about their business smartly."
MIDN 3/c Kyle Smart of 23d Company could not believe it. "Dude, the Supe just said Nachos rule over the 1MC! That's funny."
But future Brigade Commander and toolbox MIDN 2/c Ima Tightarse did not think it was funny. "It's totally unprofessional and I think someone should be fried."
The Supe also announced that liberty will not be granted even if Navy defeats a BCS team this year and/or Jesus Christ returns, which ever comes first.
More evidence that the "Darkside" thrives ... and how most stripers get theirs ... BOHICO, people !
I liked this article the first time I read it, in the Log in 1997....
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