Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Former Navy Coach Flagged for Excessive Cliches

Monroe, LA (WTF). University of Louisiana-Monroe head coach (and former Navy head coach) Charlie Weatherbie received a stern warning today from the NCAA -- stop using ridiculous cliches when talking to the press or else. NCAA officials have kept a log of Weatherbie's tired and overused cliches like "we need to get after 'em", "there's no I in team" and "team beats talent any day of the week."

"To date we have counted some 533 times that Charlie has used those phrases in a public forum or a press conference," said Lester Jones of the NCAA. "We thought it was time reign him in a little."

Officials considered dropping the matter without action until Weatherbie told a crowd of ULM boosters that "this is the most spirited school I've ever coached at" which drew loud guffaws and audible snickers from ULM alumni.

"Didn't he coach at Navy?" said Jimmy Joe Detreaux. "That's an odd statement."

Weatherbie was not happy with the NCAA's verdict but added "they have the right to their opinion, this is America" which is kinda sorta another cliche.


Anonymous said...

well done, from a ULM fan.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the new one: "we spell fun, w-i-n."

Anonymous said...

We spell fun, Y-o-u a-r-e f-i-r-e-d!